A Visit From my Grandfather?
by D H-J
This is absolutely true and happened about a week and a half ago. When I go to visit my parent's grave I always leave two pennies. This is from the old saying “A penny for your thoughts” and is a sign that you miss this person and miss talking to them. One set of my grandparents are in the same cemetery. They died about fifty years apart and are quite far from each other. When I go there I leave a penny on my grandmother’s grave since I was very close to her, but not my grandfather’s, as I never knew him. And this is what I did that Sunday.
Here in my living room I have a bunch of pictures on a couple of walls. Among them are framed pictures of both of my parents. Sitting on top of their frames are three 4x6 prints that I haven’t framed yet. On the left end is a picture of a brick with my dad’s name and service info on it that I paid to have put in at a local veterans memorial. On the other end is a picture of my grandmother’s grave and between them is photo of my grandfather’s grave. They’ve been there quite a while and none of them have ever fallen off, even though I often have windows and doors open in nice weather. Since I have two large windows and a door that face west in this room it can get quite breezy in here. That Sunday night about midnight that changed. That night all of my windows were shut, but about midnight one picture fell off. And it landed face up about three feet from the wall and right in the middle of the entrance to a hall that I have to go through to get to the bedroom or the bathroom. Needless to say, it was the photo of my grandfather’s grave.
It took a few days to get back to that cemetery, but he got his penny.