"Haunted Night in Blackwell"
by Justin Arnold
(Richwoods Missouri)
The Blackwell Nun
The Skull
Misty Figure
It was my teams first real experience with the paranormal during an investigation and to this day it still proves to hold some of the best evidence we have yet captured. We had researched some claims online about ghostly sightings in a nearby town called Blackwell and some sightings from other towns around here as well. One story in particular caught my attention which was about a sighting of a ghostly nun walking the old road at night. She had been reported on several occasions and she was always seen nearby a site where a church had burned down years ago. We decided it would be a fun and interesting case for an investigation so we went for it, hoping for the best.
Admittedly in those days we were just driving around and going to grave yards and stopping on the sides of highways near reported hauntings but who has the money to go investigate these big places like the McPike Mansion? We were new to the whole thing and learning on our own. When we reached the spot where the nun had been seen we go out of my truck and began to snap some shots. It was a clear cool night in early October I believe and there was no wind blowing but we were getting a few orbs here and there. I began to feel adventurous and a little bored because we weren't catching anything right by the truck. I had decided to walk down the road a little and suddenly I began catching some misty figures.
I was at least aware at the time that mist can be created by exhaling on a cooler night so I held my breath and continued snapping shots and yet I was still getting some mists here and there.
I had a strange urge to take a photo by the road sign and that's when I caught her, the photo clearly shows thousands of orbs and by the sign is the nun. I got excited but a bit freaked out, backed away a bit and took another shot and she was gone just like that. As I walked back I noticed my friends were back in the truck. I showed them the capture and they were impressed but we had been there for a while, it was around two in the morning and they were ready to leave. I told them well hold on, let me take a few more shots. Now standing in front of the truck I had another strange urge to take a photo behind me and I caught what appeared to be a misty skull like figure floating over my head! I could see my friends expression as the sat in the truck, I knew they had seen something! I got in the truck and we left quickly! On the way back to my friends house they told me they were watching this skull like figure moving around my head while I was still standing on the road! It was one of our very first and probably most amateurish investigations but its a night I will NEVER forget!