Restless Leg Syndrome – One of the Top Medical Oddities in Today’s World

Restless Leg Syndrome is considered to be one of the top medical oddities in today’s world. While considered one of the medical mysteries in the health care field, more and more information is being learned about RLS. These days, one may easily evaluate the condition in a free online medical dictionary, or a database of A to Z medical diseases and do a basic medical symptoms search to find that the condition involves the involuntary movement of the legs. In addition to this, you will discover that the person that suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome often experiences more severe symptoms when lying down. Individuals that suffer from this condition will find that the initial symptom is often a feeling of general discomfort that leads into movements such as jerks that occur on a consistent basis. This particular symptom makes it challenging to relax appropriately, and perform other tasks.

The medical mysteries of RLS indicate it is a neurological condition that happens in the latter years when stress may be a key factor in the leg disorder. However, RLS can be passed down from family member to family member, especially if the young one has an undeveloped gene. The parents may not realize that the child has a problem until it begins to walk. A way to test babies younger than this is to keep a close eye on your baby as it sleeps and notice if the baby lies there naturally, without any leg jerking. If the baby's legs do begin to jerk, count the number of times it happens, and how long the motions last. If this happens a second time it is a good idea to consult a physician. The doctor will often start by examining the child and then conducting a medical symptoms search as far as the family history to determine if Restless Leg Syndrome is the issue.

The disorder is not life threatening or dangerous in anyway, with the exception that when a person's sleep is disturbed, eventually that will cause stress and discomfort and people may tend to take naps during the day. RLS seems to appear more in women than men, but it seems to get worse the older a person is. When reviewing any free online medical dictionary that specifically covers A to Z medical diseases, you will quickly find that consistent interruptions to the natural sleep cycle may prove to be extremely detrimental to the overall health of the individual that experiences Restless Leg Syndrome directly.

When doing a medical symptoms search, you will discover that there are no tests that can determine if a person has the disorder, and only blood tests can be done to determine if a person may be suffering from some sort of anemia. As a neurological condition, science has no cure for the disorder; but it is advised that hot baths and leg exercises help control the involuntary movements. It has also been noted that people with this medical issue may experience relief with regular leg massages, using lotions and warm muscle relaxing vibrators, which help reduce any tension on the leg muscles. These reliefs have completely resolved the issues of RLS in some patients. While this is considered to be one of the medical oddities of today’s world, the millions that suffer from the condition have assisted medical professionals by sharing techniques that they have used to successfully treat the condition.

One of the other medical mysteries of this unique condition is that it is not just restricted to one's legs. There have been reports by some people who have suffered from health condition, who state that these movements also happen in their torso and arms as well. Research on the iron and dopamine levels have concluded that some people suffer from iron deficiencies in their blood. There have been many cases that seem to result from complications associated with imbalances in cerebrospinal fluids and substances such as dopamine. Approximately 20% of all cases seem to involve iron deficiencies. Typically, these deficiencies display the iron level to be at fifty or below.

Early studies on RLS symptomswere done not only by Thomas Willis (1622-1675) and by Theodor Wittmaack, but by George Miller Beard (1839-1883). In 1945, Karl-Axel Ekbom published a paper called "Restless Legs" using eight of his personal cases to describe the disorder. You can see how being a neurological condition, that the medical oddities surrounding Restless Leg Syndrome are still considered to be medical mysteries among those in the medical field. Whether you are consulting a free online medical dictionary, a comprehensive encyclopedia of A to Z medical diseases, or have a medical check of symptoms, you are sure to find many questions that have yet to be answered regarding Restless Leg Syndrome.

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